Data Processing Summary

The images taken by Palomar 48 inch telescope are transferred to the Infrared Processing & Analysis Center (IPAC; Caltech) and Lawrence Livermore Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) in real time. The data processing at the both sites are in real time. LBL performs basic data calibration and image differencing. Source detection on the difference images creates a transient candidate list, which is then subjected to both human and machine vetting. A transient discovery pipeline was recently implemented (and is now operational) at IPAC to complement the LBL pipeline. For details, see Masci et al. 2016. The IPAC real time pipeline also searches for asteroids, both fast moving objects which streak in individual exposures, and slower objects by linking transients detected from difference images across multiple exposures.

At the end of each night IPAC starts to do the archive level processing, including image processing and generations of photometric catalogs (aperture, isophotoal and PSF fitting photometry). This usually is completed by mid afternoon (and much later should we have observed dense fields). An email is sent to a small group primarily associated with IPAC. The IPAC pipeline processing is described in detail in Laher et al. 2013.

IPAC is also working with JPL and LANL to integrate a machine learning algorithm for source/artifact classification into the real time transient-detection pipeline.

For a detailed description of the PTF pipeline processing, please check the team internal Twiki

Marshals and Treasure Pages 

If you need access, please contact either Yi Cao, Mansi Kasliwal, or Lin Yan at Caltech. For the extralagactic marshal, please click The PTF galactic variable star group has its own marshal (contact: Eric Bellm, Caltech). You will need permission from the PTF team (password required).