Photograph • November 14, 2017
ZTF development team members install the 605 megapixel wide-field camera at the prime focus of the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory.
ZTF installed on the 1.2-meter diameter Samuel Oschin Telescope.
Observation • November 14, 2017
The Horsehead nebula can be seen in this portion of the "first-light" image from ZTF.
Technical lead Roger Smith, of Caltech Optical Observatories, inspects one of the three wide-field optical filters used for the ZTF science survey.
Fritz Zwicky at the 18-inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory in the 1930s.
ZTF took this "first-light" image on Nov. 1, 2017, after being installed at the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory.
The "first-light" image from ZTF is shown here (inset) within the Orion constellation.
• August 20, 2016
Photograph • September 21, 2015
Photograph • August 28, 2014
Photograph • June 13, 2014
Observation • March 21, 2014
Observation • March 9, 2014
PTF composite image of M33, the Triangulum Galaxy. Red = H-alpha, green = R-band, blue = g-band.
PTF composite image of M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. Red = H-alpha, green = R-band, blue = g-band.
PTF composite image of M82, the Cigar Galaxy. Red = H-alpha, green = R-band, blue = g-band.
Observation • March 6, 2014
M31 - Andromeda
Artwork • March 5, 2014
A computer-generated image of the light distortions created by a black hole.
Collage • March 4, 2014
Using data from the Keck II and Hubble Space Telescopes, this composite image shows the supernova iPTF13bvn, and its possible progenitor star, in the galaxy NGC 5806.
Observation • March 4, 2014
This is a g- and R-band image from PTF of a segment of M42, the Great Nebula in Orion, one of the largest and nearest star-forming regions.
R, g, and H-alpha image of M81.
M3, or NGC 5272, large globular cluster. R- and g-band image from PTF.
PTF image of the Crab Nebula, the remnant of a supernova that exploded in 1054 AD.
Chart • January 1, 2014
Supernova classification chart
Observation • November 13, 2013
PTF imaged Comet ISON (officially designated C/2012 S1) about two weeks before its fateful perihelion in late November 2013 in this 60-second R-band exposure.
Observation • July 12, 2013
PTF image of Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6).
Collage • August 14, 2012
Supernova PTF11eon
Photograph • July 7, 2012
The PTF team in 2012.
Photograph • January 3, 2012
Palomar 48 inch telescope at night.
The Palomar 48 inch telescope
Palomar 48 inch Telescope and Night Sky
Palomar 48 inch telescope at midnight
Palomar 48 inch telescope at night
Observation • December 24, 2011
M101 before and after the supernova PTF11kly exploded.
Collage • August 24, 2011
Supernova PTF11kly (annotated)
Observation • August 7, 2011
PTF image of Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1).
Collage • June 8, 2011
The four supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory.
Photograph • August 14, 2010
Palomar 200 inch Panorama
Photograph • August 6, 2010
The 2010 Perseid meteor shower over Palomar.
Photograph • June 1, 2010
The PTF team in 2010.