The First iPTF Public Data Release
News Release • April 15, 2014
The Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory announces the first public data release (DR1). This release consists of data from specific fields taken by the PTF collaboration between 2009 and the end of 2012. The specific fields are:
- M 81 (NGC 3031, a nearby spiral galaxy. Also includes M 82. Approximately 1170 epochs, 7 deg2)
- M 44 (the Beehive Cluster. 195 epochs, 29 deg2)
- M 42 (an extremely high cadence field in Orion. 450 epochs, 15 deg2)
- The Kepler Survey Field (48 epochs, 167 deg2)
- Cassiopeia-A
SDSS Stripe 82 (8–250 epochs, 225 deg2)
The released data include both processed single frame images and calibrated, single frame, photometry catalogs. For the details of this release, please go to